This site is my personal reference for learning and sharing algs. I am
left handed so pretty much all my algs are lefty, but with alg visualization and
mirroring tools, anyone can learn algs from this site.
Click on a case image (or the play buttons) to see an animated alg vis.
(Tap on the animation to pause and play.)
Click on a set to collapse or uncollapse it.
(Collapse / Expand all sets can help you scroll to a deeper set faster)
Clicking on any alg will "select" it, and the alg animation will switch to that alg.
(by default the visualizer uses the first alg)
Mirror an alg from LU to RU using the Mirror LR button
(alg animation will update)
Some algs show trigger names for easier learning,
click ➡️ to show the ""unabbreviated"" alg.
Share a link to a specific case by clicking the case name (eg. 17).